Quiz anglais : Résolutions de la nouvelle année

To put your money where your mouth is

passer à l'acte

It's time for my boss to put his money where his mouth is and increase my salary this year.

Water under the bridge

l'eau passée sous les ponts

Oh, it's water under the bridge. Don't think anything of it.

To tighten one's belt

serrer la ceinture

I need to tighten my belt this year, I'm saving for a new flat.

to stick to something

s'en tenir à quelque chose

I have to lose some weight, so I need stick to this diet

To shake things up

bousculer les choses

I need to shake things up a little, I'm thinking of moving abroad

to get the ball rolling

mettre la machine en marche

No one is singing on the Karaoke machine. OK, I'll get the ball rolling..

To get back into the swing of things

retrouver le rythme

The holiday was great, but it's time to get back into the swing of things.

To bite off more than you can chew

vouloir trop en faire

I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew with this exercise plan

Back on the straight and narrow

revenir dans le droit chemin

She had a difficult year last year, let's hope she gets back on the straight and narrow.

A fresh start

un nouveau départ

I'm planning on a fresh start for next year, I think it's time to work on my CV.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions

Les promesses et les plans doivent être mis en œuvre, sinon ils ne servent à rien.

To give it my best shot

faire de mon mieux

It's going to be a challange, but I'll give it my best shot.

To go cold turkey

arrêter net

I'm going to go cold turkey, no chocolate for 3 monts

To start with a clean sheet

partir d'une feuille blanche

Don't worry, it's water under the bridge. Let's start with a clean sheet..

Quiz anglais : Résolutions de la nouvelle année

Testez vos connaissances sur nos expressions : résolutions de la nouvelle année. Commencez l'année avec quelques mots de vocabulaire nouveaux.