More salads for me in the New Year... You are what you eat I suppose.
It's going to be tough, but I'm going to cut out chocolate for the month of January.
No fast food for me the moment. I'm watching my figure.
Oh, no dessert for me. I'm watching what I eat.
I ate way too much at Christmas. It's time for me to get into shape in Janaury.
I've put on so much weight over Christmas. It happens every year!
I've been a couch potato during the holidays, it's time to hit the gym.
Wow, my legs are really aching after that workout. No pain no gain, I suppose.
Salads for lunch this week for me.. Health is wealth.
I really need to cut down on coffee to help me sleep.
My sweet tooth is a real problem, I eat far too much chocolate.
I'm going on holiday in 2 weeks. I think it is time to go on a crash diet.
I really need to eat a balanced diet this year.
I hate counting calories, but I have to at the moment.